AI Engine 是一款为您的 WordPress 增加人工智能功能的插件。它能够生成内容、增强内容,并改善搜索引擎优化,还能添加 ChatGPT 3.x/4.x 或其他聊天机器人等功能。AI Engine 直接使用 OpenAI,因此无需担心第三方服务的额外费用,并且插件会跟踪您对 OpenAI 的使用情况。通过 AI Engine,您可以轻松实现智能化的内容创作、搜索引擎优化和与用户的互动。
AI Engine is a plugin that adds artificial intelligence to your WordPress. It can generate content, enhance content, and improve search engine optimization, as well as add features like ChatGPT 3.x/4.x or other chatbots. The AI Engine uses OpenAI directly, so you don’t have to worry about additional fees for third-party services, and plugins track your use of OpenAI. With AI Engine, you can easily achieve intelligent content creation, search engine optimization and user interaction.

想要将您的WordPress网站提升到一个全新的高度吗?使用AI Engine插件,让您轻松生成内容,体验有趣的AI Playground中的翻译、更正等多种任务,甚至将类ChatGPT风格的聊天机器人添加到您的网站中,实时跟踪AI使用情况,设置使用限制等!AI Engine甚至可以帮助您创建像ChatGPT或其他聊天机器人一样的应用,自动生成内容和图像,快速构建标题和摘要,还可以跟踪OpenAI使用统计数据。同时,您也可以探索AI Playground,体验多种AI工具,如翻译、更正、SEO、建议、WooCommerce产品领域等。AI Engine还具有内部API,可供其他插件调用。我们会根据您的反馈不断更新AI Engine的功能和工具,让您的网站拥有更强大的AI能力!
Want to take your WordPress website to a whole new level? Use the AI Engine plug-in to easily generate content, experience a variety of tasks such as translation, correction, etc. in interesting AI playgrounds, and even add ChatGPT-like chatbots to your website to track AI usage in real time, set usage restrictions, and more! The AI Engine can even help you create apps like ChatGPT or other chatbots, automatically generate content and images, quickly build headlines and summaries, and also track OpenAI usage statistics. At the same time, you can also explore the AI Playground and experience a variety of AI tools such as translation, correction, SEO, suggestions, WooCommerce product areas, and more. The AI Engine also has an internal API that can be called by other plugins. We will continue to update the features and tools of the AI Engine based on your feedback, so that your website has more powerful AI capabilities!

AI Engine Professional Features

AI Engine Pro 创建类似 ChatGPT 的聊天机器人(或其中许多,具有不同的功能和行为)、生成内容、图像、快速建议标题和摘录、跟踪您的 OpenAI 使用统计数据等等!AI Engine Pro creates ChatGPT-like chatbots (or many of them, with different features and behaviors), generates content, images, quickly suggests headlines and excerpts, tracks your OpenAI usage statistics, and more!

  • 创建将生成答案的动态表单。Create a dynamic form that will generate answers.
  • 跟踪每个 AI 请求,帮助获取统计信息,并允许您为 AI 使用设置限制和条件。Track each AI request, help get statistics, and allow you to set limits and conditions for AI usage.
  • 聊天机器人将了解当前页面的内容,并能够对其进行讨论/分析。The chatbot will know the content of the current page and be able to discuss/analyze it.

AI Engine Pro 1.3.80 更新日志
AI Engine Pro 1.3.80 Update Log

* 更新:嵌入更加动态,处理更好的散列,更好的批量操作,更多的占位符。
* 添加:管理栏自定义。
* 更新:增强了语言选择器以记住当前用户的选择。
* 添加:AI Forms输出字段的复制按钮。


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